RCI Newsletter - Issue XX | November 2020
Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) are the
flexible choice for on-going development
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) programs provide significant benefits for our customers with early-phase projects. The use of FTE’s gives these clients access to a fully dedicated staff of contract chemists. This strategy allows for considerable flexibility in targeting specific R&D objectives: synthetic chemistry, analytical evaluations or formulation studies. Billing rates are typically based on multi-month terms; however, there may be opportunities to consider weekly and hourly rates. Most importantly, all work product generated becomes client owned intellectual property.
Richman Chemical Inc. (RCI) provides extremely competitive FTE rates for both cGMP and complex non-pharma work. Many of our FTE arrangements have continued for multiple years. Ask us about our FTE programs and how they can help meet your outsourcing needs. RCI has the staffing and resources to support and increase your existing research and development resources. Even during these challenging times, we are keeping development programs on target and on budget. Please contact us to find out more!
The need for contract API/drug substance manufacturing in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries continues expanding. The requirements for complex chemicals to facilitate new innovations in drug development- combined with advances in technology and ever-changing regulatory requirements- pose challenges for all drug development firms. RCI’s ability to manage crucial stages of synthetic-focused drug development process makes us an ideal partner for API/drug substance manufacturing…To learn more Click Here.
To benefit from Richman Chemical’s 32+ years of expertise, contact Christopher Kulp, Chief Commercial Officer, at (215) 628-2946 ext 3 or via email at clk@richmanchemical.com. For more information regarding our custom service offerings, CLICK HERE.
Richman Chemical Inc.(RCI) was founded in 1988 and pioneered the independent outsourcing model. It is the only company in the market that provides its services throughout many markets including biotech, pharmaceutical and medical devices, specialty chemicals, nanotechnology, food and beverage, and flavor and fragrance.
Featured Products and Services
Featured Unit Operations: Powder / Liquid Blending
RCI offers a variety of blending capabilities for all scales and all industries. Various Materials of Construction (MOC), Heating/Cooling capabilities, and we can handle highly viscous materials... Click here for more information.
Featured Product: 5-Nitroisophthalic Acid
Intermediate in manufacturing of Contrast Media Intermediates, surface coating agent in a polymers used for protecting metal surface, intermediate in pharmaceutical raw material for producing Dimethyl and Monomethyl-5-Nitroisophthalate, polymerizing agent in a polyester resin used as rocket propellants, fertilizers... Click here to read more.